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Leydig Cells, Alcohol & Infertility

Published on 01 April 2024

07:30 in the morning. . . Alarm goes on & Akshay try to snooze it. Somehow he wake up but he was neither fresh nor in good mood. After all who would be happy if a person has to go to sleep after a long fight with his wife on the bed last night.

He looked at Sandhya, his wife & went to bathroom. Thoughts were crowding his mind. He was disturbed.

It has been 2 years of marriage but the couple was not able to conceive.

Sandhya was nervous & upset & she use to harass Akshay to visit a physician for consultation.

One day Akshay did all his tests & so did Sandhya . To surprise them both of them had an absolute normal reports. Sandhya was insisting to get an opinion of consultant to which Akshay was avoiding.

One fine day finally he agreed.They visited our clinic. “Doctor all our reports are normal.. – Akshay was bit restless, “then why are we not able to conceive..?” Sandhya was almost full of tears in here eyes.

We took their detailed case history.I explained Akshay “there are varied causes for infertility like-

  1. Age
  2. Overweight
  3. Underweight
  4. Tobacco Abuse
  5. Alcoholism

Sandhya’s case history looks normal to me. But Akshay's alcohol habit striked us. When enquired him in detail he agreed to it.

I work in IT MNC. We work under pressure for entire week but at weekend we enjoy at some hotel & I drink..” – said Akshay. Akshay started his first drink at the teen age of 15-16 years with mild beer & it was there till today at the age of 31 years, but now with International liquors.

“But then why are my reports normal doctor..?” – Akshay was curious.

“Look Akshay sometimes it may take a little while to get reports abnormal but the damage inside the body has already been started” – We explained.

“Damage..? ” - confused Akshay. “Studies found that in the testes, alcohol can adversely affect the Leydig cells, which produce and secrete the hormone testosterone. Studies found that heavy alcohol consumption results in reduced testosterone levels in the blood. Alcohol also impairs the function of the testicular Sertoli cells that play an important role in sperm maturation." -Both Akshay and Sandhya were listening attentively.

“Whats next doctor?” Sandhya asked me. “We will start treatment immidietley & will not wait for further reports..” I said.

We started Homeopathic, Ayurvedic & supplements to Akshay for the damage of leydig cells in testosterone. Our focus was also on testicular sartoli cells which play crucial role in sperm maturation.

Within 3 months of treatment couple conceived.

Sandhya delivered a baby boy.

Akshay followed treatment religiously. He also reduced his alcohol intake drastically.

Both are happy now.

Sorry all 3 are happy now ! ! !

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