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Porn & Masturbation De-Addiction In A Unique Way

Published on 31 March 2024

It was a sunny afternoon when I had just finished off with my patients and was about to pack up when my receptionist informed me that a consultant has came to meet me. Already late on my schedule, I still decided to meet him for 10 minutes.

A professionally dressed male, aged around 28 yrs entered my cabin.

Abhay (name changed) had an issue of porn & masturbation addiction. Before I could suggest a treatment plan, I looked at his case history & had a brief discussion with him. He mentioned to me he had tried a lot to get rid of this addiction - mental exercises, meditation, pills; but all in vain.

I consoled him for his previous experience and told him about our treatment methods in detail. He seemed convinced & wanted to get started with the treatment.

Abhay was very religious about his medication schedule and never missed a single dose. But even after 1 month the results were not convincing.

In a follow-up visit he cried.

He was well aware about his addiction, aware about its consequences - in fact he was suffering from some of its bad effects but still was not able to come out of it.

Tips for Porn & Masturbation De-Addiction In A Unique Way

I offered him a unique treatment for porn & masturbation addiction - Medications with Hypnotherapy. This treatment involves medications for his hormonal balance and Hypnotherapy for mind balance.

Expert recommendations. We prescribed Abhay 1 month medicines which took care of his physical health and offered him 4 hypnotherapy sessions. First 2 sessions on consequent days, 3rd one on 10th day, 4th & the last one on 20th day.

Result. Results were so astonishing that Abhay was a very very confident guy on the next visit. I could see him smiling with a confident attitude.

Abhay shared his feedback. He told now he is more focused in his work, he can concentrate for hours on a given task & was able to complete all his tasks on time. His productivity has improved significantly & so there was marked improvement in his memory. He was feeling fresh & has changed his attitude from an underachiever for achiever. His body language showed his confidence.

It's great to see these results. What's even better is Abhay has referred us to more young people who need help with this & it's going great for all.

Surely Medications with Hypnotherapy helps to get rid of chronic Porn & Masturbation Addiction.

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