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Premature Ejaculation, Feeble Erections & Shockwave therapy

Published on 01 April 2024

Mr. Ravi age 30 years was working at call centre since past 7 years. He used to work in graveyard shift.Which means his working shift was from 11 pm to 8 am.

He was married since 3 months. Being a newly married he was looking for job change. Some job where he would work in a normal day shift.

Seema his wife was currently looking in household works.

Ravi was bit nervous from many days. It was not only night shift that was bothering him.There was also some other issues which clouded in his mind all the day.

Since marriage Ravi was not able to have healthy sex with his wife. He was not able to make adequate love to his wife. He use to ejaculate too fast - many a times not more than 10 seconds.Past one month he was also suffering from erection issues. He use to get very feeble erections & many a times he was not even able to penetrate into vagina.

Being newly married both husband and wife wanted to have healthy & enjoyable sexual life. But feeble erection and early ejaculation bothered both of them, even though his wife never confronted him.

When Ravi visited my clinic he presented with following case details -

Complaints - Feeble and imperfect erections. Premature Ejaculations.

Married since 3 months.Had an controlled habit of Mastrubation.No Diabetes, No Blood Pressure.Had kidney stone 4 years back, operated for same & now no complaints.No tobacco. Alcohol - Beer once in 3 months.After careful assessment & his physical examination we came to conclusion that blood supply to his penis is reduced drastically.We did lab test and confirmed this.

After this we gave him some medications and Shockwave (Li-ESW) Therapy at our clinic. Shockwave (Li-ESW) Therapy is the latest advancement in sexology field for the patients who are having low penis blood flow.It is NOT an surgical procedure nor does it require any anesthesia. It is done at OPD level.In this we need to give 6- 8 sessions to patients with a gap of 2-3 days between 2 consecutive sessions. Each session lasts for 10 -12 minutes in duration.

Ravi started seeing improvemnt in erection right after 1st session. We gave him total 7 sessions.Erection issue was solved and also due to internal medications his early (premature) ejaculation issue had shown very marked improvement.

Today he and his wife both visited to my clinic. Seema didn't spoke a much but she visited clinic to give thanks to me.

Both were happy.! ! !

- If you suffer from same problem we can help you..

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